All About Us

We are a non-denominational Christian fellowship.  Our goal is to rediscover the faith of the New Testament Church and the teachings of Jesus Christ as recorded throughout the pages of the New Testament.  See our Confession of Faith.  As such, we are a bible based church.  We believe that the bible and its teachings are as relevant today as they were when they were written.  We also want to share this hope and way of life with others.  And so, we hope you would consider visiting us.

So, why would you want to visit us?

What Makes Us Unique?

  • Christian Fellowship
    We are a Christian fellowship. Jesus commanded his disciples to “love one another”. As a family of believers, our goal is to help one another as we follow Jesus Christ and reach out to those who are still searching. So, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey, our doors are always open.
  • Bible Based Messages
    We believe that the bible is the authoritative Word of God which reveals God’s will, way of life, and plan of salvation for man. We also believe that the teachings of the bible reveal the one true way to happiness, peace, and joy. Our messages apply the ancient truths of the bible to everyday life for the modern believer. Anchored in the hope of the scriptures, our messages also look forward to the return of Jesus Christ and eternity in the Kingdom of God.
  • Worship on the Sabbath
    We are a Seventh-day Christian fellowship. As such, we host worship services on the Sabbath (Saturday). The Sabbath was established by God at Creation, incorporated into the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai, observed by Jesus Christ and the apostles, and was the undisputed day of worship for the New Testament Church.  Rich in Christian meaning, it points to God’s grace and our rest in Jesus Christ (Hebrews 4: 1-11).  The Sabbath is the true Lord’s Day of the bible. As Jesus said, “the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath” (Matthew 12: 8). 
  • Celebration of the Festivals of the Lord
    We celebrate the “Feasts of the Lord” — Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles. Far from being an ancient relic of the Old Testament, these festivals or feasts were celebrated by the New Testament Church long after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Pointing to Jesus Christ and God’s plan of salvation through Him, these festivals are rich in Christian meaning and add depth to our faith. “Therefore, let us keep the Feast.” (I Corinthians 5: 8)

Meeting Times and Location

Worship services are hosted every Sabbath (Saturday). The Christian Church of God meets at 110 Cross Park Drive in Pearl, Mississippi. Please see our Church Service Schedule and Holy Day Calendar on our Home page for additional information.

For driving direction to our church, please see our Contact page.