Date and Time*

Date:  April 7, 2020 (Tuesday)

Time: 7:30PM or shortly after sunset

* See section entitled “Additional Information on Date and Time of Passover Service” at the end of this guide for additional details.


Make appropriate preparations for this service. If possible, give yourselves a little time before the service to reflect and pray on the great sacrifice of our Lord and Savior.  While it is not necessary to be somber during this service, proper respect should always be maintained.  Preparations include the following:

Note: There should be enough bread and wine for each participant.  Destroy any left-over bread and wine that night.  Exodus 12: 10 states, “Do not leave any of it till morning; if some is left till morning, you must burn it.”  Remember, the bread and wine, once prayed upon, symbolize the body and blood of Jesus Christ. 

Order of Services

*Only those who have baptized should partake of the bread and wine. (I Cor. 11: 27-28)

Opening Prayer

The opening prayer should include thanks to God for his Son, our Passover, who died in our place.  Some reference to God’s love for us, and our love for one another is also important.  Also, it is good to ask God to instill an attitude of humility and contriteness as we participate in this service.

Introductory Scripture Readings

Read the following scriptures. 

Foot Washing Service

  1. Background:  As Jesus reclined at supper with his disciples, Jesus had a lesson of love and humility to convey to his disciples by washing their feet.  Jesus did this before instituting the symbols of His body and blood. 
  2. Read the following scriptures:
  3. John 13: 1-17
  4. Perform foot washing service (if there are two or more people)

Partaking of the Body of Christ

  1. Read the following scriptures:

Partaking of the Blood of Christ

  1. Read the following scriptures

Final Readings

Before leaving for the Mount of Olives, Jesus gave his disciples some final instructions. The following scriptures include excerpts of Jesus final words with his disciples.   

Closing Hymn

  1. Read Matthew 26: 30
  2. Sing a closing hymn such as “Amazing Grace”

Closing Prayer

The closing prayer should again include thanks to God for his Son, our Passover, who died in our place.  We should also thank God for his love, mercy, forgiveness, and promise of salvation through his Son, our Savior. We should ask God to help us walk in humility and contriteness that we might walk and live as Jesus walked and lived.  Finally, we should ask God to help us to remember the lessons we have been reminded of on this night that we might please Him in all we do. 

Additional Information on Date and Time of Passover Service

Passover day is Nisan 14 (Hebrew Calendar) according to Leviticus 23: 5.  See also Numbers 28: 16.  Under the Old Covenant, the Passover Lambs were to be sacrificed on Nisan 14 (Exodus 12: 16, Deuteronomy 16: 6).  Because Jesus is the True Passover Lamb, our Passover Lamb (I Corinthians 5: 7), He was betrayed, crucified, and died on Nisan 14.

Jesus instituted this New Covenant Passover Service “on the night he was betrayed” (I Corinthians 11: 23-25; Matthew 26: 20-29). This was also the evening portion of Nisan 14 (Passover Day).  As Christians, we believe that we should observe this service at the very time instituted by Jesus – the evening of Nisan 14, Passover evening. We are also instructed to do so by the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 11: 23-25. So, when is Nisan 14?  The Hebrew/Jewish Calendar is a lunar calendar, but we use a solar calendar. Therefore, from year to year, Nisan 14 falls on different dates on our calendar but always in March or April.  This year, Nisan 14 falls on April 8th.  That said, there is one other factor to consider.  Days in the Bible and under the Hebrew calendar begin at sunset – not midnight.  See Genesis 1: 5, 8, 13, etc. and Luke 23: 44, 54.  Therefore, Nisan 14 actually begins at sunset on April 7th (Tuesday night) and ends at sunset on April 8th this year.  For these reasons, we will observe this New Covenant Passover Service on the evening of April 7th (after sunset) this year. 

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